Saturday, November 19, 2005

Responding to comments on evolution

I just want to point one thing out in response to one of the comments on my rant about evolution, and that is that I never said that Science proves anything. The best we can do is fail to disprove something, which is exactly what has happened over the past 150 years or so with the theory of natural selection. That is why it frustrates me to no end when people say they don't believe in natural selection because it's "just a theory." In science, something does not reach Theory status until it has so much evidence backing it up that it is almost indisputable. Does that mean that the theory of natural selection can never be proven wrong? No. It might be someday, but I find that highly unlikely. But why is it that people only pick out the ones that they personally disagree with to make such statements as "it's only a theory?" I don't hear anyone talking about how Albert Einstein was evil because of his Theory of Relativity. Is that "just a theory" too? Just wondering.

By the way Ryan, I love the way you posted 4 different comments just so that people would think you were smart : ) I already know that's the case (even though I was the first one to get a master's degree), but nothing like a little self-imposed ego boost, eh?


Anonymous said...

Where is that comment?

Native Minnow said...

Alissa, it was a comment someone made for this post.