Monday, December 12, 2005

In a Bind

I don't know what the reason is, but lately I've been running across a lot of people that I haven't seen in a while. Part of that means that I've been getting asked about relationships and whether or not I'm in one. I realize that this is just part of catching up on things so it doesn't bother me. Who knows, maybe someday I'll be able to tell them about the lovely girl that I'm seeing, but that would require that I actually start seeing one.

It's not that there aren't girls out there who develop crushes on me, it's just that my standards are pretty high with regards to what I'll accept. I've been told to stop being so picky, but I don't see why I should if it means I'll end up with someone I believe to be subpar. Without going into the details here, I think that I may have enough restrictions to ensure that I will in fact be single for the remainder of my life. That's something I'm coming to terms with.

I was relaying this information to a friend of mine I bumped into yesterday. We haven't seen each other in a while, so the relationship topic came up.

She responded with the following words:

"You're kind of in a difficult situation when it comes to finding someone, aren't you? On one hand you don't want to date someone my age (she's a bit younger than me) who's young and doesn't know what the hell they want. But on the other hand, you don't want someone your own age because chances are there's something wrong with them. Otherwise they would have found someone by now. Chances are that they aren't going to be in that minority of people who have just had bad luck and never found the right person. Most of them are definitely going to have problems."

Thanks for the encouragement.

(to her credit, she does seem to think that I am in the minority of people my age who are normal and have just had bad luck. I don't agree with that, I think I'm crazy, but as a wise man once said to me "as long as you think you might be crazy, you're probably ok. Crazy people never think there's anything wrong with them.")

1 comment:

Able Cable said...

As a fellow 30-something, I promise you that there are still good ones out there. In fact, dating in your 30's is way better than in your 20's because people know themselves better at our age. And it's perfectly OK to be picky! More people should be.