In case you're wondering what the hell I'm supposed to be, I'm Eli Cash from The Royal Tenenbaums:

And if you're wondering about the make-up, it comes from the scene at the end where he's on the way to Etheline's wedding, he's high, and he crashes his car into the mailbox.
Here's a closer look:

I swore that I wasn't going to wear make-up, because the last time I did it ruined my opportunities for kissing throughout the night, but once my friend, A-Pizzle, gave me the costume idea, it was just too good to pass up. Luckily (?) there wasn't anyone who wanted to this year.
So I am curious...did the red makeup stain your face? That happens to me sometimes if I wear dark lipstick, it like will NOT come off, so I just stick with the gloss now.... ;)
I think your costume looks really, really good!
Wildcat. Wiiiiiild cat. Pkoooooo....
I'm all messed up on mescaline. I'm gonna go now.
It's a good costume but NOT GENIUS.
And if you get tired of explaining your costume to people just tell them you are Nacho Libre.
Sorry, I should have collected all of my thoughts before I started commenting.
For a second your own mother didn't recognize you.
I love Owen Wilson.
Hey, I want copies of the photos you took!
The Royal Tenanbaums... I think I fell asleep during that movie. I thought this post was hilarious because I am sick and messed up on Robotssin right now. I will let you know what I think in a week when I am NOT...
Your costume turned out great. Next year you should dress up as Willem Defoe's character from Life Aquatic.
Why would a reviewer make the point of saying someone's not a genius?
Do you especially think I'm not a genius?
. . . You didn't even have to think about it, did you?
I wish you'd've done this for me when I was a kid.
But you didn't have a drug problem then.
Yeah, but it still would've meant a lot to me.
I thought you were Darth Maul meets Wild Wild West... :)
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