Thursday, March 15, 2007

I feel it coming and I've got to get out of its way

In an attempt to avoid going absolutely insane, I am leaving for Flaming Gorge in a few minutes. My hope is that the trip ends up being cheaper than therapy.

I'll tell you the same thing I told my roommate:

Me: "The rent check's on the counter. I'm outta here."
Him: "When are you coming back?"
Me: "Maybe Sunday, maybe Monday, maybe never. We'll see."

It all depends on whether or not I encounter Ted Bundy.


Inklings said...

I certainly hope you do not encounter Ted Bundy, since Ted Bundy is dead. I hope you don't even enounter any of the victims he dumped in the lake. It might, however, be fun to encounter his name carve on a tree there. If you do, take a picture and post it on your blog.

deputymomof6 said...

I just hope you two don't freeze to death.

Native Minnow said...

Did he really carve his name on a tree there? If so, where? I'd like to check that out sometime.