Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I want you to notice when I'm not around

For those of you who are still checking in, I made it back safely. The trip was great. I got all the samples I needed, and got to see some beautiful scenery along the way. A lot of beautiful scenery (and some not so beautiful, but who am I to complain?).

I also saw a bear in the wild for the first time in my life (at least that I can remember). I saw the first one about two hours after I crossed the border, and ended up seeing five total. Six if you count the one that was made out of sheet metal, but I probably can't count that.
Anyway, after driving 6747 miles in two weeks, you'd think that I'd be saying things like, "Wow, I've really missed being home. It's sure good to be back."

But I'm not.

Instead, I'm finding myself saying things like, "Why does it feel as though there's a blast furnace blowing on my face?" or "Why doesn't that lake over there have any water in it?" or "Why did I just bet $1000 on the hand when the dealer got blackjack?" or "Why isn't that girl wearing any clothes?"

On second thought, maybe it is good to be back.

More later.


Inklings said...

I can't believe you never saw a bear when we lived in Flaming Gorge. I saw several.

Anonymous said...

The cutest thing EVER...we were in Montana fishing in a dory boat and a little baby black bear swam across the river, scrambled up a hill and took off. It was awesome. Then we almost hit a baby black bear taking our "shortcut" they were so dang cute!
I hope you post lots and lots of pictures for us to see Canada.

Delirious said...

Yay you're alive!
Once I was driving over Donner pass in the Sierras and saw what I thought was a dog crossing the road behind me. I looked again and saw it was a bear cub. :)

Anonymous said...

I saw a mother black bear and two cubs in Montana when I was driving with the Keslers... :)