Thursday, November 01, 2007

I've got a bad idea tonight, I've got a Halloweenhead

Trick-or-Treater: Hey Mister, what are you supposed to be?
Me: A bear in a suit, kid. I'm just a bear in a suit.

In case you're wondering what goes on in a day of the life of a bear in a suit, well, you're in luck. It pretty much consists of what you'd expect from a bear. You know, the usual stuff, like scratching:



Playing video poker:

Shooting pool:

And of course, shedding some light onto an age old question:


Dee Ice Hole said...

That doesn't cut the age old question---it is---"Does a bear S_ _ _ in the woods."

elbee said...

Wish I could have seen you yesterday. That was a really good costume! :)

AnoMALIE said...

Pshh... I could so take on that bear at pool.

Anyway, great costume... works a lot better than the snowman-in-a-suit from the cover.

silentkid said...

A bear in a man-suit. Great costume, mang.

Jenny said...

BWAHAHAHAH - very, very funny.

I love the expression of the guy at the casino.

Anonymous said...

Teddy bear killer! >{


Anonymous said...

Sweet costume...