Saturday, July 19, 2008

In some respects I suspect you've got a respectable side

Friend: If I were to ever get married again, I think I'd just have the colors be white and black because that way the bridesmaids could all look hot in their black dresses, but they could also wear them again, and the bride would stand out in white.

Me: And all the groomsmen could wear tuxes, and that would be classy as all fuck.


BlazngScarlet said...

Not quite chickens .... but penguin looking.

Fowl fetish????


Karen said...

LOL at Scarlet....I love a person who doesn't want the bridesmaids to look like hell to improve the bride's chances of looking beautiful. Have I ever mentioned I've been a bridesmaid 7 TIMES?

deputymomof6 said...

And the bride ALWAYS thinks you can wear the dresses that they choose again... and it will NEVER happen.