Monday, September 15, 2008

I've been here, I've been there

Reasons why the Republican Party thinks Sarah Palin is more qualified than me when it comes to foreign policy experience:

- She can see Russia from Alaska if she wants to.

Reasons why I am also qualified to be Vice President if lame crap like that counts:

- I knew where LIbya was on a map at pub trivia the other night.
- Sometimes I eat sandwiches with Swiss cheese on them.
- I like red Swedish fish the best, but have eaten all the different colors.
- I love me some German chocolate cake.
- I spent a day in Tijuana when I was seventeen.
- A gay "Hungarian" hit on me once.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...but have you ever shot a moose?

Dee Ice Hole said...

No but he could have every single day---from the school bus---on his way to Cow Country High.

steph said...

nothing gets me fired up quite like sarah palin.

even your blog post made me feel angry. grrr. because it's true!!!

Manuel said...

you're probably over qualified.....

mindy said...

you have my vote!

adventures of a mad scientist said...

You're so well-traveled. I'm glad I can consult you on foreign matters.

Karen said...

I always champion the underdog so you can count on my vote. Ooops, I've just realised I live in the wrong country. Sorry about that Minnow but good luck anyway.

Jenny said...

do you eat french fries,'cuz we could use some help with that country too.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you also consult with nationals of other Gypsy...That gives you foreign relations experience...You rock...

Delirious said...

Well, quite frankly, I don't think Barrack Obama is qualified either. He only has like 183 days service in the Senate, and the only international relations experience he has gotten has been during this campaign. I think he gave one speech in Germany....

Lillie said...

Well yes, but you're not a "hockey mom," are you??

deputymomof6 said...

It all boils down to whom you prefer to look at for the next 4 years. Obama or Palin? I choose Palin, she is hot.

adventures of a mad scientist said...

Speaking of Palin, my boyfriend and his boss have thought of a nickname for her: VPILF.