Girl: So let me get this straight. He felt like it was his fault that happened, even though it was his wife that did it?
Me: Yeah.
Girl: Because his wife's actions are somehow his fault?
Me: Yeah.
Girl: How does that make sense?
Me: It's simple. Bitches can't be trusted to make their own decisions*.
*I thought I was being hilarious. I'm not sure she agreed.
*only about where to go for dinner. But it's a problem for guys too.
I'm pretty sure its his fault because men drive women so crazy that they are unable to make decisions because they are afflicted with brain combustion caused by the pile of dirty socks next to the couch.
And yes a brain combustion is totally a medical problem. I know because I have it. SOCKS!
so true......
*Desperately trying to keep mouth SHUT*
so, you really have no plans to ever get married again, do you?
I completely agree. Especially when bitches are on their periods.
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