Thursday, August 24, 2006

'Cause no one will survive the end of love

I must be a warmonger. How does one know if one is a warmonger you ask? Well, I think it's a telling sign when one gets attacked by a dove. That's right, when something that symbolizes peace has it out for you, it must mean that you're an enemy of peace.

It happened a few months ago when I was walking to my office, minding my own business, when all of a sudden a dove flew up behind me and tried to take me out at the neck. Luckily my ninja-like skills kicked in and I was able to duck its talons (by mere inches) and live to see another day.

At first I thought that maybe it was because it had a nest close by and it was trying to protect its young, being as it was springtime and all. But now it's August, any young should have left the nest long ago, yet it happened again the other day at lunch with a different dove. This time it wasn't such a close call, but it was coming at me straight on instead of trying a sneak attack from behind, thus giving me more time to react.

Stupid doves, they'll be sorry when I launch the nukes.


PsychDoctor said...

wow...I didn't know you were such a marked man...however, are doves like swallows? Our swallows have had 2 or 3 batches of babies already this summer....They must be an r-species (is that the right term vs. k-species?)

Anonymous said...

Biology nerds......