Monday, October 02, 2006

She said my God just stop your cryin', just go outside and ride your bike

Things that my 4 year old son is NOT (according to him):
  • A girl - declared when my 10 year old son pretended to take a picture of him with a toy cell phone and then showed him the picture of Barbie that was on the screen.
  • A chicken - announced when he was told to stop being bratty or we'd have to chop him up and eat him, just like Charlie*.
  • A napkin - proclaimed when my 1 year old niece had a snotty nose and I told him I was going to wipe it on him.

*When my nephew was young, my sister used to tell him that she was going to have to chop him up and eat him when he was misbehaving. When he would tell her that she wouldn't do that to him she'd say, "Oh yeah? What do you think happened to your brother Charlie?" She thought that she quit doing it by the time he was old enough to remember, but he's started telling his one year old sister about the fact that they used to have a brother named Charlie. I guess it goes to show that you always have to be careful what you say around children.


Anonymous said...

First of all, my son was about your son's age and I really was just teasing with him, and he always knew it was a joke. Secondly, it was in poor taste, I knew it at the time and teased him anyway. I don't know why people tell kids they are going to eat them, it's weird. People hold babies and say, "You are so cute I just want to eat you up!" :) It is weird when you sit and think about it...I'm sorry. ;)

deputymomof6 said...

I thought that it was pretty hilarious, myself. And, that is a "joke" that they will laugh about with their own children someday. Cute.

PsychDoctor said...

Was it W? from the blog? That is funny....

Anonymous said...

psychointern, weren't you the brain in high school? And you couldn't figure out who that was?? That's sad.