Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Summer . . . it's gone

My students are taking a practical midterm in lab this week, and I have to say that it is much less stressful to give an exam than it is to take one.

Here are the rules that I listed on the board at the front of the room:
  1. No cheating (duh!)
  2. Keep one empty station between you and the next person
  3. Turn your cell phones OFF
  4. Keep papers folded
  5. Don't move the scopes
  6. Go in order from where you start
  7. Any cute girls must give their phone number to [Native Minnow]


deputymomof6 said...

So, did you get any numbers?

Native Minnow said...

No. Not that I would do anything with them if I did. Besides, even though I really did write that on the board, it's so small that it's illegible. I'd hate to get in trouble for that sort of thing.

Lauren said...

Come on, don't you know that if you are a biology major, women automatically lose 30 cute points? I am eternally doomed to uglydom if I keep this track up. :P

Native Minnow said...

But Lauren, didn't you say your middle name was on the attractive list? Maybe that can make up for whatever points you lose for being a science geek.

deputymomof6 said...

Well....since most women hate their bodies and don't think that they are cute....and if they did think they were cute then they are too conceited...... I was just curious if you had received any. I thought that it was funny, though. None of my teachers had a nice sense of humor like that!!

Lauren said...

I think it evens out. So basically, I am neutral.