Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Add another belt notch to the hundreds for the heartache assassin

I overheard two men talking the other day, and my powers of reasoning and logic led me to conclude that they were talking about a relationship that had recently failed.

Guy 1: "She fell in love with someone else, and ever since then I'm just this big jerk."
Guy 2: "How can you say she fell in love with someone else?"
Guy 1: "I mean, she met someone on the internet, and flew out there to have sex with him."

Now, I've been online for a while and all I want to know is, how come these internets don't seem to work like that for me?


flieswithoutwings said...

Maybe you should try some of the "LDS singles" sites. The slightly brain damaged guy at work says that is the only kind of girl he can meet on there.

Anonymous said...

And I have a creepy friend that is over 30 and he's on there scouting for the ladies...

flieswithoutwings said...

The system works!

Native Minnow said...

Two flaws with that idea:

1. If I went on an LDS site, then I'd end up with an LDS chick.

2. I'd be the creepy friend that is over 30 on there scouting for the ladies.

Anonymous said...

And that would just be unbearable...

Anonymous said...

okay seriously? Its because your not on myspace.

Native Minnow said...

Au contraire, Starlet, you just haven't tried looking ;-)

deputymomof6 said...

Maybe because you like girls that aren't so desperate that they are looking for a long-distance relationship because you can't see how fat they really are....all you have to go on is the photo they send you. :) Or, maybe you aren't looking hard enough.