Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sheep Go To Heaven, Goats Go To Hell

A few weeks ago one of my friends and I drove to a nearby concert venue to pick up some tickets. Once we got the tickets, she asked if I'd mind driving her somewhere else before going back to campus.

Her: Would you mind taking me to [cross streets].

Me: That's fine. What do you need to go there for?

Her: I'll tell you when we get there. Otherwise you won't take me.

Me: Do you have an OB/GYN appointment?

Her: No. You'll see when we get there.

A few minutes later I pulled into the parking lot.

Me: Oh, it's that knitting store over there, isn't it?

Her: Yes.

Me (laughing hysterically): Seriously? Woolly Wonders?

Her: Is that you?

Me: No. It's trimmed, so it's really not that woolly.

Her: Or that wondrous?


silentkid said...

Where my knittaz at?

Anonymous said...

silentkid--It's Where my stitches at?!

Minnow--I still think on some sick level you would have liked spending time at the OB/GYN office....

I stand by my assessment.

2 Dollar Productions said...

You should have made her knit you a sweater for the trip. Or some wooly wonderous boxers.

Amber said...

alright - I think you need to add the tag "too much information" to this one.

Native Minnow said...

Silent Kid, when she came out of the store she said "I'm a crazy ass knitter.", which is where the t-shirt idea came from.

Her, I used to think it'd be cool to be an OB/GYN when I was a horny teenager. Then I realized that the majority of the women they work on are disgusting and gross.

$2, I think wool boxers would be too itchy.

Amber, done.