Friday, January 25, 2008

Cocaine and sushi on the lower east side

In case you're wondering what graduate students do all day, here's a small taste of what goes on in academia.

Our department has an email listserv that sends emails out to everyone simultaneously when someone posts to it. Usually these emails consist of boring stuff, like announcements for the next snoozefest seminar, but it was put to good use yesterday. Two nights ago a storm passed through, so yesterday the air was very crisp and clear (unusual for this city). One of the professors went to the top of the parking garage and photographed the surrounding view. He sent them out for anyone who wanted to use them(I doubt he meant for my blog, but whatever). Here are some of the pictures he took:

His initial email started a flurry of other emails, talking about whether or not we could use these pictures for the department's web page. Without going into all the details of those, the result was two brilliantly photoshopped pictures put together by two different graduate students (at the suggestion of another professor). Here are those pictures:

As far as I'm concerned, you can never have too many pictures of oversized, fire-breathing rodents attacking Las Vegas casinos.


Delirious said...

I have tagged you to participate in a meme, "6 Quirky Things About me". Check it out:

flieswithoutwings said...

Run for your lives everyone! It's just like Nostradamus predicted!

h said...

It's good to know my tax dollars are being spent wisely. Do you hate Vegas too?

Amber said...

See! I knew my fear of squirrels and chipmunks wasn't unfounded!

h said...

One notes that there is no mention of fire-breathing rodentia in this news report. COVER-UP!

Karen said...

.....and they look so convincing too :)

Native Minnow said...

Troll, that is quite the coincidence, no? For those of you who didn't click the link, the Monte Carlo Hotel had a three alarm fire on its upper levels today.

Anonymous said...

It could be the sequel to Alvin & the Chipmunks.

Alvin & the Chipmunks 2: Fuck you, Vegas.

well, its either that or Alvin & the Chipmunks 2: Electric Boogaloo

Anonymous said...

The rodents are using your town like it's a playground. Why didn't the gard students photoshop some big nuts? I like pics of big nuts!