Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Ego tripping at the gates of Hell

It's TA evaluation time again. Actually, it was TA evaluation time about a month ago, but I just got mine back, and you know what that means: I'm sharing my favorites with you. But don't get your hopes up too high, all in all, it was a pretty boring bunch. Sure, there were plenty of people who said they liked me, that I was nice, funny, yada yada yada, but there are really only two that are worthy of sharing. The first because it's hilarious. The second because it boosted my ego.

Evaluation 1: (just the hilarious response)
What was your favorite exercise? Why?
Pig Dissection - More hand job* (I could actually see organs).

Evaluation 2: (minus the questions that were left blank)
What was your favorite lab exercise? Why?
I liked the dissections.

Which lab experience was most informative and educational for you?
Cutting things up.

What was your least favorite lab exercise? Why?
I liked all labs cuz I could come see my lab TA.

What is the major weakness of the [biology] lab?
The quizzes & my lab TA he was HOT** and made me buckle @ my knees.

What is the major strength of the [biology] lab?

In general, how would you rate your lab instructor as a teacher?
I love you [Minnow]!!

What were his/her strong points?
Everything about [Minnow] was great!!

How could he/she improve?
He was wonderful.

*I'm pretty sure they didn't really mean to write what they did. I assure you there are no hand jobs given or received in any of my labs.

**For a limited time only*** I'm giving in to peer pressure and am posting a few pics of myself. This way you can judge for yourself (but mostly I just want to see if the waitress will continue stroking my ego).

***Sorry, time's up.


Anonymous said...

You shouldn't hit on your waitress.
It's tacky, unless you tip well.

adventures of a mad scientist said...

You bitch. You should post MY evaluation. It trumps all other evals.

AnoMALIE said...

Evaluation 1 sill has me cracking up.
Hand job... oh the innocent.

P.S. For some reason, I've always found your teeth endearing... and I'm not the one who's going to be a dentist out of your ex-lab kids.

Karen said...

Yes I'm dying to see what the Waitress says too.

Amber said...

you know now that I see all your pictures arrayed - I have to agree - you DO have a slight resemblance to Tim Robbins! P.S. Tell me how to add labels to my posts, will ya?

steph said...

love the evaluations!

and love the pictures, since i only know from blog land, now i can put a face to the writing!

Anonymous said...

Okay, you are no Tim Robbins after all. Tim is more of a goofy hottie. You are sporting a Christopher Walkin kind of hotness. Wanna have un-protected sex with me?

Native Minnow said...

Kris, duly noted.

Lauren, sorry, I misplaced it.

Anomalie, I just barely caught that at the last second.

Gypsy, consider yourr curiosity satisfied.

Amber, I hope the email helped and your labels work.

Steph, I never really thought about that, but I suppose it has been a long time coming.

Waitress, Christopher Walken eh? I'm not sure that's a compliment. As for unprotected sex, what's the worst that could happen Wait, I've already got enough kids.

Michelle said...

I now see the Bill Clinton resemblance in your last pic! I can't see Christopher Walken or Tim Robbins, though. Great pictures!

2 Dollar Productions said...

I surprised you haven't been called in to explain the hand job evaluation.

Stick to your guns.

BlazngScarlet said...

I'll stroke you ... er, um, I mean ... your EGO anytime! :D

Anonymous said...

Some client at a drug rehab place thinks I look like Brandon Frazier...I think that is worse than Christopher Walken... :( Dr. Psycho

Native Minnow said...

Michelle, yeah, I almost posted a pic of me holding a cigar to really get the Bill Clinton thing across, but decided not to because it made my hand look huge.

$2, I'm sure nobody caught that one. I missed it the first time I read through my evals. I thought it read "great hands on" and just happened to glance down at it again when I was putting it back in the envelope.

Blaze, I'm glad somebody took the bait on that one ;-)

Psycho, I don't know. Christopher Walken is "the scariest man alive."

Anonymous said...

You're definitely a doppleganger for Bill C.

But thats awesome. He rocks all the hotties.

Oh, wait...


mindy said...

Those are great evaluations! And great pictures. I think you are much better looking that Bill C., he has a scary red nose.