Thursday, July 17, 2008

You know what the sun's all about when the lights go out

In the spirit of a new class starting this week, I'm giving you a pop quiz. Choose the option that best completes the sentence.

When you wake up, get in the shower, and find a small white feather on your scrotum, you know it's time to _______________.

a) worry.
b) fly.
c) buy new pillows.
d) stop dry-humping your pillows in your sleep.
e) quit fucking chickens.
f) All of the above.


Jenny said...

e. Leave the chickens alone.

~Kris said...

Seriously, did you not watch any South Park? Leave the chickens alone. Definitely E.

AnoMALIE said...

In honor of the people I'm currently rubbing elbows with, the answer is E.

steph said...

i'm saying buy new pillows, of course -- mosstly because of the dry-humping of the pillows.

silentkid said...

g)shave your scrotum and then inject it with BOTOX to get rid of the wrinkles.

PsychDoctor said...

I'd think d, but then again you might be pulling a Yancy E. Rumor has it he did E...

Karen said...

In the absence of actually having a scrotum I will have to imagine yours that won't work either and now I can't think straight. I'll go with f). That seems to just about cover it.

deputymomof6 said...

I say f, with the exception of b. I do not recommend flying with only one, single feather. Leave the poor chickens alone, and your poor pillow!! Retire the poor 'ol fella and get a new one.

BlazngScarlet said...

White feathers is the least of my problem .... where the f%#k did the scrotum come from????????