Sunday, February 05, 2006

Alrighty then

Friday night at a convenience store I was getting ready to pay for my stuff when a store employee came in the front door. She looked at the other employees and said, "Don't make my butt vibrate as I'm pulling up to the front of the store." I can only assume that meant she was late for her shift.


PsychDoctor said...


Native Minnow said...

I'm thinking it was a reference to having a cell phone on vibrate in her back pocket when they called her - pure speculation, but hey.

ShootingStar said...

I really want to have something witty to say about this. It completely cracked me up. But any comment I can think of just falls short. Here's to overheard conversations

PsychDoctor said... it.

PsychDoctor said...

If you like witty comments like this, you would love to overhear my wife's conversations. She loves to say things like that nonstop, to the point it becomes cliche. :)