Thursday, March 30, 2006

Stress Management

Everyone has their own way of dealing with stress, but I think my way might be the worst way possible short of drug or alcohol abuse. I have a million things I should be working on, all school related, but can't seem to focus long enough to start working on any of it. I meant to make some progress last night, but instead baked cookies, watched t.v. and screwed around online.

This morning I woke up early with an upset stomach (a common symptom of stress for me), and thought I should start reading something. Instead, I started messing around with my new camera, and now I'm blogging. Can anyone say ADD? Quick, someone prescribe me some Ritalin.


Michael Nannini said...

You aren't alone. So....what kind of camera did you end up getting?

PsychDoctor said...

Dude...that describes me, only I have work and kids too...Poor A*** is always asking me to do things like get a drink of milk, or make her some toast. I tell her to wait a minute and then space it off completely. :) I know my ADD is stress related. :)

Native Minnow said...

I meant to include that my strategy for dealing with stress is "if you ignore it, it will go away." Too bad that isn't true.