Sunday, July 16, 2006

I would kiss the girl from Venus

My friends and I like to play this game. It's derived from one that some of us used to play when we were teenagers. Any time there was a group of us together, and something needed to be done that noone wanted to do, everyone would touch their nose and the last person to do so was the one who had to take care of the task. It was the quiet way of calling out "not it." It worked especially well for instances such as when someone would order a pizza, but nobody wanted to answer the door when the delivery guy came, and similar scenarios.

We've expanded this out into a game of "dibs" and "not it." If one of us sees a cute girl, we call dibs, but when we see an ugly one we call not it. Unless of course the girl is close enough to hear, we wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings after all. In that case, we touch our nose instead of calling out "not it." The joke being that the last one to do so has to sleep with the ugly girl. It's great when we're in any public place, particularly when not everyone is paying attention to their surroundings. Someone is always going to get upset when they find out that they are "it."

There are rare occasions when people will disagree though. We were walking across campus one day and one of my friends called "not it."

Me: "Really? I thought she was kind of cute and was going to call dibs."
Him: "You thought she was cute? That's all you dude."

We then got into a discussion about why I thought she was cute, and why he didn't. Then one of my other friends chimed in with "You two are like the Ebert and Roeper of girls the way you're analyzing this."

My first friend: "Dibs on Roeper!"

I guess that makes me Ebert. Sometimes I hate when I'm "it."

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