Ok, so the image thing is finally working again. Here's my idea, so Johnson & Johnson, if you're reading this let me know what you think. I think it could be a big seller.
Oh, and here's a text message my daughter just sent me:
Tag! You're mine! Today is national CLAIM A RETARD DAY and you're my retard!
Thanks kiddo. I needed that.
In my daughter's defense, I hadn't actually broken the news to my kids and ex-wife yet when she sent the text. I tried calling them, but nobody picked up, and it's not exactly the kind of thing that I felt like leaving in a voice message.
So, did you make that up or find it on the internet somewhere...
I love it. But I think if it was in a black package with skulls, etc... Maybe a few rips and burns on the package...
It's my idea Psycho, how could I have found it online somewhere? Welcome to the world of Microsoft paint (except for the pictures - those were googled).
Be glad that your daughter feels close enought that she can send you a text like that...I would have never sent a text like that to Dad. **L**
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