Tuesday, June 03, 2008

From the bottom of my heart comes a cold dark feeling

In lieu of a real post, go here to download the music mix that suits my mood today. (The zip file will be up for seven days or a hundred downloads, whichever comes first.)

It's called 'A Little Left Behind' and some of you who actually know me already have a copy, in which case you can save yourself the trouble of clicking over. Those who don't should be warned that it's a little depressing.


AnoMALIE said...

Why so blue, Minnow?

You being sad makes me sad (yeah, a little selfish, I know).


Mr. DNA said...

Cheer up little buckeroo!

Don't let the memory of that fat ugly hippie chick get you down. You're too good for her!

Maybe you can try turning that sadness, into anger, and then motivation, to change things up.

Try out a little song by Slipknot, People = Shit (if you get past the first 30 seconds it's actually kinda dance-y), then follow it up with a chaser of Stephen Malkmus, Phantasies. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by the combination.

No really, try it.

Jenny said...

does someone need a hug?

I'll go find you someone....

male, right?

Amber said...

Use this motto from 'How I Met Your Mother': "Whenever I feel sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead." :)