Monday, November 17, 2008

She's got to be strong to fight them, so she's taking lots of vitamins

Tortellini showed me some of the drawings she's done at school. Not in art class, mind you, but in her other classes. Presumably when she's either supposed to be listening to the teacher, or working on homework.

Doodles in Science:

Doodles in Study Skills:

I'd say they're pretty good. She almost gives me and Flieswithoutwings a run for our money. Almost. I'm particularly fond of the Skittles shooting cannon in the first drawing.


Lillie said...

Again, I need a tee-shirt of these.

Manuel said...

I'll take a t-shirt and an actual cannon that shoots skittles.....

Heff said...

She needs to be double-promoted.

Anonymous said...

Skittles? or Ecstasy?

AnoMALIE said...

Aww... Tortellini makes me feel normal, since that's all I ever did in any class (although I didn't start mentioning crack-heads in my doodles up until my junior year of college... she's ahead of her time)