When my students finish with their dissections, they dispose of the animals in a trash can labeled 'Tissue Waste' since they can't throw them in the trash (for obvious reasons). Because of the way they dispose of tissue wastes, students aren't supposed to put anything else in the tissue waste bin. As I was reminding them about this at the beginning of lab, I looked into the tissue waste container and saw that someone from the lab before mine had thrown some paper towels in there. I sighed, held my breath, and reached into the tissue waste bin to grab the paper towels and throw them away properly. One of my students watched me, and thought I was being a bit melodramatic.
Student: Was it really necessary to hold your breath while you did that? It doesn't smell that bad.
Me: It stinks in there. It's disgusting. You'd probably agree with me if you'd ever stuck your head down there and smelled it up close.
Student: Let's see. [Puts her head down by the barrel, sniffs a few times and then comes back up.] Smells like Thailand in there.
This made me Phuket.
Ok, I know it's a bad, bad joke... but I'm a bad joke kind of girl.
Any hope of a visitors visa to Thailand just got dumped in the tissue waste bin...
I must also add that the words "tissue waste" are quite gross to me right now- I'm visualizing it. It wouldn't be as bad if I weren't having hot Genoa sausage & bread for breakfast right now.
I love that song from "CHESS" and matches your post.
Awesome. Now just throw some ping pong balls into the tissue waste container and Thailand is complete.
remind me not to go to Thailand
some people has a "tissue waste" bin right by their bed. smells like lotion. and something else.
We puts frog's tongues in the school pork and beans.
Just thought I'd share.
Hey, what is your music widget called? I searched and it came up with 7 or 9 (can't remember) but they were all broken. I have something up now but it seems rather gay compared to yours.
This is the first time I've recognized the weird lyrics you insist on labeling posts with.
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