Monday, January 30, 2006

Dream Weaver

It happened. A little earlier than usual, but it happened. I have a recurring dream about once per semester that always makes me feel a little freaked out when I wake up. In this dream, I am enrolled in classes, and about 3/4 of the way through the semester realize that I'm enrolled in a class that I haven't been attending for the entire time. The subject matter of the class varies, but it's always something other than Biology, like English or Statistics or something that would be easy to forget about if one were in the habit of never leaving the Biology building. Obviously it would be impossible to recover from missing class for the majority of a semester, so when I wake up from this dream I always want to check my transcript. I suppose it comes from feeling that I'm not making enough progress on something I should be doing (which is true - my research), but it could just be that I'm a big nerd that doesn't want to see my GPA slip (also true). Any of you psychologists out there have an interpretation?


ShootingStar said...

I'm not a psychologist, but I've decided that I'm qualified to interpret your dream anyway--besides I want something entertaining to do while I eat my lunch.

So here goes: You dream about missing something like an English class because subconsciously you know that the only discipline worth studying is literature. Your brain is trying to tell you that you are completely wasting your time with Biology and you should be studying great writers instead (but not writing, the current ones don't need the competition).. what do you think? I tried not to let my biases get in the way of my analysis of you.

Michael Nannini said...

Derek, I've had this same kind of dream about a billion times myself. In fact, I still have it despite the fact that I haven't taken a class in 5 years.

As far as the interpretation, you're in luck. Just today the radio station I listen to had a "dream interpreter" on it, and while no one called in with this particular dream, I did get a good idea of how to interpret dreams. For instance, most people called in with dreams about loved ones who had died and were telling the dreamer how good things were on the other side. Contrary to what I would have thought though, the dreams were not about these people wanting to believe their loved ones were in a better place, but were actually physical visits from these people. Apparently dreams are portals to the other world according to this dream interpreter. Sooo, obviously your dreams are either visits by classes you had previously attended and not put enough time into or your dream opened up a portal to another reality where you are in fact a slacker. Thank God that does not apply to you in this reality, right?

flieswithoutwings said...

You are attracted to your mother and resent your father. How much clearer could it be?

Lauren said...

Ooooooooooooh dreamweaver, I believe you can get me through the niiiiiiiiiiiiight!

I'm sorry, but I had to. ;)

PsychDoctor said...

I like shooting star's interpretation... Actually, yours is pretty good too.

mindy said...

Like others have said, I still have this dream, too. It's usually something useless like History, though, or maybe a math class. Something you definitely can't "cram". In my dream I always try really hard to catch up before I try and figure a way out of it.

I've determined for me that it is just a stressed out dream. I have it when I'm worked up or worried about something. I think my brain processes these emotions and associates them with school, as I've spent most of my life in school. I hate them, but it's better than something truly awful, like one of the kids being hurt/kidnapped.

Eugenia Catroppa said...

Honey, ignore these smart asses, it was a stress dream, and a normal one at that- when I was in university about a dozen of my friends had the same dream as you- Including myself -
Whenever you get this dream know that it is time to take some deep breaths, relax, and tell yourself that everything is going to be alright. Try and practice becoming lucid in your dreams, so that you can consciously tell yourself in your dream: I am a responsible student and would never let this happen; this is a nightmare and a silly one at that... Blessed be.