Monday, January 16, 2006

A New Low?

This weekend I was hanging out with a couple of my friends. We went to a sports bar to get some dinner and watch some basketball. We ate as soon as we got there, but by the time we paid our bill I was starting to get a little hungry again. Then, as luck would have it, the game went into overtime . . . then double overtime . . . then triple overtime, with me getting more hungry by the minute. I wanted to order some fries, but knew I couldn't finish them all, plus I didn't want to hassle the waitress by making her open up a new bill.

There was a guy at the table next to us who had ordered a very large meal. (In fact, that's a large part of the reason why I wanted fries so bad). He paid his bill and left, and that's when I did it. I swooped in, grabbed his fries and took them back to our table where I ate a bunch of them along with one of my friends (I should add that my other friend seemed disgusted by my actions). I most definitely have stooped down to a new level.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Um, excuse me, I would have done the same thing. Hey, it would have been thrown out anyway. Didn't your mom tell you not to waste food?