Saturday, January 28, 2006

Why'd you have to be so cute?

Is it possible to be dumped by someone, even if you never were going out with them? I'm starting to think that's happened to me. There's a girl I am very interested in, and have been for a while. I've told her as much, and she led me to believe that she was interested in me as well. Unfortunately, due to some reasons I don't want to get into here, and due to some that I don't even understand, nothing has really progressed with her. We've had a few lunches together, but have hardly even talked since the end of last semester. I don't know if that's because I spent so much time out of town over the holidays, or if it's because it got too inconvenient to talk to me. It's too bad because she's absolutely gorgeous, funny, smart and just cool to hang out with. I'm hoping to get a chance to see her again soon, maybe that will help me figure it out.

My biggest problem is that I'm very insecure when it comes to relationships. My divorce has left me scarred, there's no doubt about that. I don't know what it will take in order for me to be able to fully trust in someone again, but it's not going to be an easy thing. If something can fall apart after 8 years, I don't know that I'll truly believe that it won't happen again. My insecurity was partially to blame for the failure of my last relationship (although the distance certainly played a role as well). It's not necessarily a bad thing if kept in check since those feelings will prevent me from taking anyone (or anything) for granted again. The hard part is keeping those feelings in check. I need to get to work on that.


ShootingStar said...

So I know blog comments aren't always the place for heart-to-heart, but I continue to give it a try. I don't think we're promised permanence Derek--not in anything. You have to love what you have when you have it, even if it hurts later. It seems important that we learn to hold on tight, yet let go with grace. Be brave.

Native Minnow said...

I totally agree. I'm trying to get to the point where I'm totally happy with my life the way it is, then if there's someone to love that's an added bonus, but that's not an easy place to get to.

PsychDoctor said...

I can do personality testing on the next serious girlfriend. I think I can detect "Borderline Personality Disorder" before you fall victim to it next time. :)