Sunday, February 26, 2006

About ready to give up

As a couple of you know, my ex-girlfriend was in town a few weekends ago to visit with her friends and her father. She'd told me she would be here, and that she'd give me a call if she got some time to see me. It was the first time I'd seen her since before our break up, and I was very nervous because I wasn't really sure what to expect. Luckily, everything went well and we ended up spending a little bit of time together. It was nice being around her again. I realized that I wasn't as over her as I thought I was, and she had a similar reaction. Unfortunately, I only got to spend two evenings with her before she had to go back home, but all things considered, they were two very good evenings.

We've been in contact a lot more regularly over the past few weeks. I don't want to complain about that, because we agreed to still be friends after we broke up, but it's been good enough to have me seriously thinking about whether it would be worth it to get back together with her. Long distance relationships suck, but at the same time, when you find someone that you're compatible with it can still be worth it. After all, good matches are hard to find. I decided that I was going to tell her that I thought we should give it another try, but when I brought it up, she told me that she had just decided not to. She's tired of long distance relationships, and would prefer a boyfriend she could actually spend some time with. She'd been trying to get the nerve to tell me that for about a week, but didn't know how to bring it up because she didn't want to hurt me. Of course, being the retard that I am, I took the fact that she was calling me more regularly as a sign that she was thinking along the same lines as I was. Boy was I mistaken.

Needless to say, I'm in a horrible mood today. I don't know if I'll ever be able to read a woman correctly because I obviously haven't figured it out yet. I can't hold it against her, she didn't do or say anything to lead me on, I just have a tendency to read the wrong things into what other people say and do. As pessimistic as I am about most things in life, you'd think I'd save a little of that for love.

(note: before you leave a comment with encouragement telling me how it will all be o.k., and that she's not worth it, you should know that I don't want to hear it. She's still a good friend, and we're not going to stop talking to each other because of this. At least once I stop my moping around)


Lauren said...

Long distance relationships suck, but at the same time, when you find someone that you're compatible with it can still be worth it.

And I sure as hell believe that.

Since I can't say much, I'm going to say...oh man, I'm sorry.

The good thing is that you two are still friends. I would hope that if I ever become single again, I would still be good friends with my ex.

PsychDoctor said...


I don't think you were reading the wrong thing into it...she wants to be your friend and she was being your friend. If you want a romantic relationship to start and to last, you have to be the person's friend. It just becomes something more after that...

At least she is interested in still being your friend, unlike all of my ex's :)

Hope you get feeling better...

ShootingStar said...

I think attachments are always risky and they don't get any easier--but in the end connection in any capacity (I think) is better than nothing. Being friends is something, and if you had a connection it's worth keeping in any form.

flieswithoutwings said...

I thought you meant this may be the end of girls, not blogging.

PsychDoctor said...

So...flieswithoutwings...are you the blog-Nazi that demands everyone blog daily, or is it me?

flieswithoutwings said...

It should be clear by my scattered postings that I am no blog nazi. That leaves just you to be the Feurer.