Saturday, February 18, 2006

New Words

I was really tired today. I don't know why. I got plenty of sleep last night, and spent all day studying (ok, maybe that's the reason). I'm hoping that it's just a result of my tired state, and not that I'm just losing brain cells, but I misspoke a couple of times today. I think I must have rubbed off a little on my friend, because he ended up doing so as well. Throughout the course of the day we came up with some new words that I'm going to define here.
  • Literically - a descriptive term used in the rare occasions when a person is speaking both literally and metaphorically at the same time.
  • Embertainment - what it is called when someone passes the time by staring at the flames of a fire.
  • Misabbreviate - this happens when someone tries to shorten a word by abbreviating it, but shorten it to an abbreviation that actually means something completely different (e.g. if you try to shorten the word misters to mrs.).

Yes, we actually spoke these words in conversation. And yes, we're both Ph D students.

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