Sunday, March 19, 2006

My Mama Always Said . . .

I grew up in a religious atmosphere, and some of the things my parents taught me still stick. Apparently the part about always telling the truth isn't one of them.

I lied to someone a while ago, and it's been long enough that I had forgotten about it. I almost slipped up the other day by nearly saying something that might have let them know I'd lied to them. Luckily I caught myself, so my secret is still safe (for now). The funny thing is that it's not even about anything important, it's just that I don't want this person to know I lied.

I guess if the concept of right and wrong isn't enough to make you tell the truth, you might want to look at it this way: If you do always tell the truth, you never have to make sure you have your story straight, because it always will be.

Don't worry. I didn't lie to anyone who knows about the blog (so it's none of you. Really. But now that you know I'm a liar, how do you know that last statement wasn't a lie as well? muuhuaahahaha).

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