Friday, April 14, 2006

The semester of bribes

There's a sense of desperation coming from my students as the semester is coming to a close. Those who haven't been doing well are starting to sense the finality of the situation, and are hoping to be able to come up with extra points. The bad part for them is that the only way to do that is to get perfect scores from here on out because there are no extra credit opportunities.

The first bribe offer came a few weeks ago when a student of mine flashed me a wad of cash while he was taking a midterm. I didn't see exactly how much, but it was more than $100, and while he presented it as a joke, I think he would have given it to me if I had wanted to take it.

Then the other night while I was teaching I had the following conversation with a student:

Her: "Do you offer any chances for extra credit?"
Me: "No, sorry."
Her: "Why not?"
Me: "I don't have the authority to do that, it's up to the professor."
Her: "Well I think you should. I'll hook you up with my sister if you do."


Lindsay Logic said...

No wonder you want to be a Professor!

PsychDoctor said...

How old is his sister? That would be an important factor to take into consideration... :)