Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This fire is out of control, we're gonna burn this city

Yesterday students started a fire in my lab not once, but twice. Even after repeated warnings about how ethanol is very volatile and should not be placed next to the Bunsen burners. I'm glad they listen to the things I'm saying when I teach, especially the stuff that pertains to their personal safety.

On a related note, soaking your jeans in ethanol and standing next to a Bunsen burner is not the proper way to start a fire in your pants!


Anonymous said...

Nope, not proper at all......

Lauren said...

I like how your title is from a Franz Ferdinand song.

And also, there is definitely a better way to start a fire in your pants.

You were dressed up nicely today. What was up with that? No more fish shirts?

ShootingStar said...

Have you done enough research to make this claim? I want proof that you have indeed started a fire in your pants this way before I"ll believe it. Send me pictures of the research :).

deputymomof6 said...

So, since neither raising a scotch glass to the sun, nor soaking your pants in ethanol and standing next to the bunsen burner, are the proper way to start a fire in your pants, what exactly is the PROPER way? Just curious.