Thursday, September 28, 2006

When the last king of Hollywood shatters his glass on the floor

With the number of people working in Hollywood, you wouldn't think it would be too much to ask for more of the movies that come out to actually be worth watching, but apparently it is. I've seen a couple of good movies recently, but there hasn't been much else worth watching.

In fact, it's gotten so bad that last weekend, when I was trying to distract myself from dwelling on the disaster that was my comps, I couldn't even find a movie to go see. That's saying a LOT because when I'm in that kind of mood I'm kind of like the drunk guy around closing time who is willing to hit on the ugly girl just to avoid going home alone.

These were my choices:

Crossover - the scene they seem to be most proud of is two people dunking the same alley-oop pass, plus there are dunks over motorcycles. No thank you.
Flyboys - a movie about WWI flying aces which is criticized by some as being less realistic than Snoopy's fights with the Red Baron.
Jackass 2 - stupid people going to watch a movie about stupider people doing stupid things.
Gridiron Gang - same as every other sports movie ever made, except this time starring the Rock.
The Covenant - boy witches (warlocks?) driving H2s over cliffs, and then reappearing seconds later unharmed. That sounds, like, totally awesome dude.
Crank - just like Speed, except the bus is a guy.
School for Scoundrels - Napolean Dynamite fights Billy Bob Thornton for a girl, that's not Angelina Jolie. Pass!

And there aren't very many good ones on the horizon either:

The Guardian - I have yet to see a very good movie starring Ashton Kucher.
Open Season - see above
Employee of the Month - Sorry, but Dane Cook isn't that funny. He's getting way too much publicity these days. Plus, Jessica Simpson sucks.
Man of the Year - Robin Williams isn't that funny either, and if the best this movie can offer is to have him dress up like he's in colonial times for his inauguration speech, or crack jokes playing on quotes from past presidents that really aren't that relevant anymore, then I'm not going to pay to see the movie.

Come on Hollywood. Get your shit together and ENTERTAIN ME!!!


Anonymous said...

I guess Hollywood is too busy worrying about the size of their paychecks than worrying about how good their scripts are.

MJ said...

I heard today that out of $20 million dollars that movie stars make they ONLY get to take home $7 million. Wouldn't that be nice?

Lauren said...

Borat, November 3rd. Go see that.

PsychDoctor said...

Check out this link...a cinema owner shut down his facilities because of the crappy shows that were out...>1=7701