Monday, October 09, 2006

Lazy Head and Sleepy Bones always disagree

It's a sure sign that you're too tired when you get up in the morning if the following applies:

You wake up, take a shower, brush your hair and teeth, start to head out the door and then realize that you're not wearing a shirt.


Native Minnow said...

Yes, this did happen to me this morning.

Anonymous said...

Here are a few more sure signs:

You apply hair gel on your tooth brush instead of tooth paste.

You drive to work, then realize you haven't worked there in almost a year.

You are taking your son to school, and have to back track because you forgot he was in the car with you.

Your eyes water all day long because they are so tired they actually sting.

Inklings said...

Well, I know you live in Las Vegas, but it is still good you are male and not female if you are going to forget to put on your shirt. :0)