Monday, November 13, 2006

I'm unconsoled, I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be

There's a girl that I have a monster crush on. I know better. It's a relationship that wouldn't go anywhere even if it did blossom, but that doesn't stop me from wanting it to. I guess it's true that a person doesn't always get to choose who they fall for.

It used to be that I'd talk to her on the phone almost every night. I'd also get to see her several times a week, if only for a few minutes at at time. Unfortunately, she got busy, then I did too, and things just kind of came to a stop. That was a few months ago.

I don't see or talk to her very often any more, just enough to keep the crush alive. I saw her twice today though. Both times I was talking to someone else, and couldn't really break away to go talk to her. I know she saw me both times, and probably thinks that I'm giving her the cold shoulder or something. Part of me wants to call her to make sure that she knows I wasn't. The other part, the logical part that knows I don't have the time or energy to put into a relationship even if it did have a chance of going somewhere, thinks I should just let it go, let her think what she will and see if I can get the crush to dwindle.


Lauren said...

aww, i'm sorry.

the busy thing seems to be common amongst failed relationships(-to-be). ah well.

i guess if someone's worth it, no matter how busy you get, you'd still try and make time for them? i don't know. relationships are weird.

ShootingStar said...

Wait! Why have you doomed this relationship before it has even started? Getting your heart crushed and stomped on and run over by a truck is still better than standing on the sidelines!-- Okay to be serious I truthfully think that life is about engagement--be engaged as fully as possible as much as possible. Don't worry what might/might not happen; if you have a crush on this woman act on it (of course I don't mean in the creepy stalker come-on-to-strong way).

Anonymous said...

Big D,
You are a big wuss!!! Ask her out and make time for her. Oh, and have a nice day.

deputymomof6 said...

Of all the people I know, you deserve someone to enjoy things with in that way that you can only get from a member of the opposite sex. You would be surprised of the things that you can make the time to do, if you really wanted to. :) Good luck.