Wednesday, November 29, 2006

You're the reason why I've run out of metaphors

A few days ago I had lunch with the girl I have a huge crush on. It goes against my master plan of trying to let the crush wither away, but, when an attractive girl asks if you want to have lunch with her you'd have to be a fool to say no.

I realized that I probably spend a little too much time with the guys, and not enough time with the classy ladies, when the food came out and I had to fight the urge to ask her if she'd like her salad tossed (I refrained - what a gentleman, right?).

It's a weird situation because I enjoy every minute I spend with her, but also get periodic reminders of why it won't work. I've never been in a situation before where I wanted to kiss someone so badly, yet at the same time, not wanted to kiss them.

I was talking to one of my friends about it and she asked, "Why didn't you kiss her?"

I answered, "Because I'm a big fat chickenhead."

She immediately burst out laughing and said, "Well, that explains a few things."


Anonymous said...

It wouldn't work out because your rule is if she's closer in age to your daughter than you you can't date her....Or the rule that you will A) never remarry B) won't have any more kids C) you're a big fat chickenhead?

Anonymous said...

Derek... remember my experience with Adam- my "gay RM?" If you don't kiss her by date #4... you might get accused. =)

ps. Goodluck with your crush, don't be a chickenhead.

Anonymous said...

wait so chikenhead is a hip-hoppy way of saying slut? Because I hang out with hip hop sluts all the time and they don't say that...

Native Minnow said...

Starlet, I have to say that I'm not the expert on the matter. I just go with whatever Urban Dictionary tells me. My guess would be that the hip hop sluts don't call themselves that, but that the hip hop guys do when all the sluts are out of the room.