Monday, April 30, 2007

You're looking tired, like you tried to kill yourself again, you'll probably be strung out tonight

I was walking down the hall the other day when a flyer on one of the bulletin boards caught my eye. It was advertising 'Suicide Prevention Movie Night' and a showing of Jumping off Bridges, a movie about the stigma reduction of suicide. The movie was hosted by the university's women's center.

My advisor saw me reading it and said, "Boy, that looks like a good time, huh?"

Another guy passed and said, "You should go there. You could probably find some easy chicks."

I answered, "Well, that might not be a bad idea. There's bound to be at least a few with low enough self esteem."


Anonymous said...

I have always wondered,
"Do people really go to these things, because then everyone in the room knows they are contemplating suicide."

Anonymous said...

This sounds like my old roommates Scott and Trent...we were filling out questionnaires for a family feud activity at the church. One question was, "What qualities do you most look for in a woman you want to date?" They wrote, "Lonely and Desparate." :) PsychoIntern