Wednesday, May 02, 2007

How can you know that you're right if you're not nervous anymore?

I told you about the student who makes up a new middle name for himself every week. I thought I'd show you another example of the other things he does that make me laugh. Here are a few drawings from one of his quizzes. He got 100% on it, but decided to fill in some of the empty space on the paper as well.

What can I say? I'm easily amused.


Ok, so the scans didn't work as well as I'd hoped. Let me transcribe the things he wrote for each image.

1. The sun wearing moon shoes (IRONY)

2. [Minnow] writing things on the board (complete with the temperature control that juts out the middle of the chalkboard)

3. The most delicious bagel I ever had

4. Each test tube has something drawn underneath it, presumably to hold it up. In order: Little stick people, a pyramid, scaffolding, a pile of used playing cards, Hello Kitty, and a trampoline.


Anonymous said...

Those are cute. Little drawings amuse me as well.

Anonymous said...

those are hilarious
My students just draw boring smiley suns or rainbows or their names in block letters.
Although I did have one student, when I gave them a bonus quiz question where they had to correctly name and spell the algae species they did an experiment on (Chlamydomonas), he wrote "Verityas Awesomus"
I gave him 1/2 bonus point for making me laugh

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't dare write on a test or a quiz...
That's one of many reasons none of my teachers ever smiled at me.

steph said...

i love that student! is he funa nd witty when he speaks, too, or is he a silent artist?

Delirious said...

I think if he has time to doodle, he must need more challenging quizzes :) I'm a doodler too, but usually only when I am extremely bored

Native Minnow said...

He's funny like that verbally as well. This quiz did happen to be one of the easiest ones I gave this semester, so he probably had plenty of time to doodle. I'm still rumored to be the hard TA, so I don't know how much harder I ought to make the quizzes.

AnoMALIE said...

Hmmm... a few years back you were the "You have him? Man, I hate you!" TA with the kids I talked to.
There was ONE TA out there that beat you to the "hard TA" title... but the title wasn't "hard TA" to be exact...
P.S. I was horrible at your quizzes. Big time!

Lauren said...

You're the "hard" TA? Since WHEN have you ever been the "hard" instructor in ANY lab?

(Says the person who was also shitty on exams, but knew exactly wtf was going on...)

Native Minnow said...

Anomalie and Lauren,

I too scoff at the notion that I am the "hard" TA, but that's what a bunch of people have been telling me this semester. I don't get it either.