Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Step aside, out the way, wipe that look off your face

The other day I went to the post office to send a package. I got one of the colorful padded envelopes that they have available for purchase, put the stuff I was mailing into it, and started filling out a matching address label.

As I was doing this, the lady standing ahead of me said, "Wow, I sure would like to be your friend."

Without looking up I replied, "Eh. It's overrated."

I know she was just trying to be nice, but when I'm standing in line anywhere in the ghetto I prefer to be left alone. I'm a jerk like that.


AnoMALIE said...

And who could blame (I originally misspelled this word. I need to go to bed!) you?
The lady should be glad she didn't get shanked instead... j/k

Anonymous said...

i feel like you missed out on a real opportunity here.

she coulda been the one...

....or at the very least the one most likely to steal all your money after luring you into the back alley with promises of candy....

Anonymous said...

ver girl...that is hilarious...

I actually think it's kind of sad that people don't try to be friendly to strangers.

Anonymous said...

...yes you are!