Tuesday, July 10, 2007

So quit complaining brother . . . No one lives forever

Q: How do you instantly stop a Native Minnow in its tracks?

A: Put one of these outside the front door of its office:


elbee said...

OH SNAP! That is a big mamma jamma.

Anonymous said...

yeah, that'd do it for me too...

only thing left to say is: WTF!?!

Anonymous said...

sweet, bro. nice mitchelli.

Native Minnow said...

So, in case you're wondering why there was a rattlesnake lying outside the front door of my office, it was there for a "scientific" project. One of the guys in our office building works on snakes. One of his specimens had died, so he wanted to see how well his temperature gauges were accurately recording what temperatures the snakes actually experience. He put one inside the dead snake, and one as he would at his study site. I just didn't know about it and it caught me off guard when I first looked down and saw it. Obviously he placed it in an unnatural position, but it takes a few seconds for the mind to register those sorts of things.

PsychDoctor said...

Crazy scientists....