Wednesday, November 28, 2007

There was a time when it used to mean just about everything. Just like now.

My mom has a way she swears works to predict the height your child will reach when they are adults. If you double a kid's height at a certain age (2 years old for boys, 18 months old for girls), that's supposedly how tall they will eventually be. My mom says that it worked for all her kids. They laughed about it at first because the prediction was that all the boys would be over six feet tall and neither of them are. Well, it turned out that all three of us ended up being over six feet tall (I'm the tallest at 6' 4"), so now we kind of play the game with our kids.

I have a two year old niece that is quite tall for her age, so while the whole family was visiting we started talking about how tall our kids were going to be. My daughter is deathly afraid that she's going to be as tall as me. I don't think she will be, and my mom agrees.

Mom: I don't think she needs to worry about it because girls usually quit growing about two years after they get their boobs. She's not going to get too much taller than she is right now. Maybe another inch or two before she's done, but that's about it.

Naturally, that shifted the conversation toward one of my favorite subjects: Boobs.

Sister: If my daughter gets my boobs she'll be fine. If she gets [Sister-in-law]'s boobs she's not even going to have enough muscle to stand up.

We all laughed.

Sister(to me): I'm serious! They'll be like [Ex-wife]'s when she was pregnant with [Daughter]. Each one of hers was as big as a basketball.

Me: You don't have to remind me of that. I lived it. Remember?

Dad: It wasn't until then that [Minnow] learned how to dribble with both hands.


Anonymous said...

HA HA!!!!! :) That was funny...DR. PSYCHO

AnoMALIE said...

Good one!
Props to your Pops.

Inklings said...

Actually I said girls get their height 2 years after they start their period. Good thing you didn't use quotation marks, huh? :0)

Native Minnow said...

That's the exact reason why I normally don't use quotations marks. Maybe I could be a journalist after all.

steph said...


Anonymous said...

So my daughter would be 5'8" tall if I doubled her height at 18 months and she'll be 6'3" if I doubled her height at two.
She's tall....

Delirious said...

It's not just your parents who use that, my doctors have always predicted my children's height based on their height when they were little. He got my daughter's height to the exact inch. However, my oldest son is about an inch away from the projected height. Maybe he will grow a little more?

Jenny said...


deputymomof6 said...

Dang!! I wish I had pait attention back then..... too late, now.