Wednesday, January 02, 2008

You think things are straight, but they're not what they seem

Friend 1: Don't make me hurt you. It wouldn't be hard. I've seen you cry.

Friend 2: Really?

Me: Yeah, the other day at a Christmas party I was in enough pain that I had tears running down my cheeks.

Friend 2: Why?

Me: Well, I coughed after I choked on a piece of a chip . . .

Friend 1 (interrupting): Except it wasn't a chip, it was a penis.


Anonymous said...


Gorilla Bananas said...

Honour demands that you challenge Friend 1 to a duel.

Anonymous said...

Friend.1) is comparing his penis to a chip. Nice!

silentkid said...

Genius. I hadn't laughed that hard since the b-cup joke.

Manuel said...

ketchup or mayo sir?

Jenny said...

Do you REALLY have 3 children?

adventures of a mad scientist said...

A chip shaped like a penis, more like.

Or maybe it was a penis shaped like a chip?

Native Minnow said...

Kris, I know. I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not. I thought it was funny. I've got the mind of a twelve year old.

Gorilla, given the state of my bad back, I'm pretty sure he could take me. Unless the duel involved me sitting outside his apartment with a sniper rifle.

Waitress, it's probably a little less crunchy than a chip. I'll have to ask him.

Silentkid, I'm glad you had a good time.

Manuel, ketchup. Definitely.

Boxer, yes I do (well, only two of them are biologically mine, but I'm still Dad to all three), but they never see this side of me. That's probably for the best.

Lauren, maybe it's both. Don't act like that didn't just blow your mind.

deputymomof6 said...

If you choke on the chip, but not the penis... does that mean that the chip is bigger than the penis? Just wondering.....

Karen said...

Is there something you want to share with us Fish boy?