Wednesday, March 26, 2008

For they have no treasure of their own

You may find this hard to believe, but not every conversation I have with my friends is about oral sex and/or boobs. Sometimes we talk about grown up things. Not very often, but sometimes. For instance, the past few days the sad state of our economy seems to be coming up a lot. It was bad enough when the Canadian dollar finally caught up (and then surpassed) the US dollar. But, did you know that the dollar is even losing ground to the rupee now? The rupee! That's not even real money. That's video game money. (All you have to do to get a rupee is lift a rock, break a pot, cut some long grass, kill a sand crab, etc.)

Then there's the collapse of the housing market. Thanks to the shady practices of lenders (and the failure of a lot of borrowers to read the fine print), that's a problem that has no end in sight. One of my friends pointed out that there should have been more government oversight through all this. Particularly when all the companies who believe in a free market economy when they're making profits feel the government ought to step in when they're in the red (here's looking at you Bear Stearns and Delta Airlines). Even FDIC officials are bankers, so they're not really going to change anything with the way banks are operating.

Friend 1: There was quite a vicious article about all this stuff in one of the Swiss newspapers.
Me: Puh-lease. What do the Swiss know about banking?
Friend 2: Or being vicious for that matter?

What? You can't expect me to keep it serious for too long, can you?


Bill From Gainesville said...

I think a good name for a rock and roll band would be: Viscious Swiss

Jenny said...

Jees, you were scaring me for the first few paragraphs.

Manuel said...

boom boom......

Lindsay Logic said...

I wouldn't say I was "glad" that the sub-prime mortgage market fell apart, but it sure has made my job a lot easier. ;) *L*

MJ said...

I'm glad you wrote this today. I was taking an economics quiz, and it asked which money was not considered a world money. I thought back to this blog, and since I had no idea anyway, put rupee. AND I got it right! Thanks. :)

PsychDoctor said...

Umm..Swiss banks are some of the best in the world for keeping Nazi gold stolen from cremated Jews...They know a lot about banking....

Native Minnow said...

Bill, either that or Swiss Vicious.

Boxer, sorry to scare you like that. Forgive me?

Manuel, I've got no response.

**L**, I never even thought about that. I'm glad for you.

Tennis Girl, glad to be of service.

Dr. Psycho, I guess the sarcasm in my voice didn't come through there then, huh?