Monday, March 31, 2008

People always told me that bars are dark and lonely

I'm revising a draft of a manuscript that I'm preparing to submit for publication. Today as I was doing so, I completely lost any writing skills that I once possessed, and wrote a sentence, but couldn't quite figure out why it didn't look right. So, I IM'ed my friend for help.

Me: Question: Are you not supposed to start a sentence with 'Although'?

Friend: ummm, probably not.

Me: I just had to break up a run-on sentence. I started the second one with 'However' instead.

Friend: That works.

Me: Works for me. Although, what do I know?

Friend: lol

A little while later:
Friend: I wanna go to the bar later!

Me: Although, do we have time?

Me: Although, the bar does sound kind of fun

Friend: um....STOP THAT

Me: Although, no!

Me: Although, I'm just going to start every sentence like that, whether it applies or not.

Friend: Well, then later you can say "although I don't know why, [Friend] still shoved a barstool up my ass"

Me: Although, I don't want you to shove a bar stool up my ass

Friend: Well, take matters to prevent it.


Jenny said...

and just think; you're a teacher!

PsychDoctor said...

Although, that made me laugh... :)

Anonymous said...

Although I don't want you to, shove a bar stool up my ass. Please.

Moving the comma gives it a fun new twist.


mindy said...

hahaha!! And I love anonymous's comment. It's all in the comma, baby.

adventures of a mad scientist said...

Although, don't you wonder what it would be like to have a bar stool shoved up your ass?