Sunday, May 25, 2008

She's freezing cold and I don't have a blanket that's gonna' fit

Weather wise, this last week has been a little strange. We went from temperatures around 107 or 108 to cool and rainy in the span of a day. A friend and I were having dinner when a girl walked in wearing a trenchcoat, a scarf and a winter hat. The temperature was probably in the high 60s.

Friend: That's overkill, don't you think?
Me: Yeah, it's definitely not that cold out.
Friend: I saw a guy wearing a scarf earlier today too.
Me: That's never acceptable. The only time it's ok for a guy to wear a scarf is if it's January in Minnesota. That's it. When you live in Las Vegas, it's never cold enough to require a guy to wear a scarf.

My friend (who sometimes wears a scarf during the winter) didn't say anything.

Me: That's right, I'm talking to you.
Friend: To me?
Me: Yeah, Mr. I Sometimes Wear A Scarf Even Though I Live In Las Vegas Where It's Never Cold Enough To Warrant That.
Friend: Well, sometimes a scarf is fashionable. Like if you're wearing it with a nice jacket or something.
Me: You know what else is fashionable? Gay men.

So, allow me to modify my stance: It's ok to wear a scarf in Vegas if you're a gay man.


Anonymous said...

I make exception for the scarf if the guy is getting off a motorcycle and the temp is 30's or lower.

Jenny said...

It's never OK to use an umbrella in Seattle... unless you're a tourist.

I have no idea why I'm telling you that.

Karen said...

I've just realised what your conversations with your friends reminds me of.....Sex and the City meets Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Thank goodness it's finally come to me. It was driving me crazy. Carry on......

AnoMALIE said...

What is it with guys and scarves? My brother had this exact conversation with me a couple of days ago after he gave my mom a scarf as a gift from London.
I asked him to show me his scarves, and he busted out with "That's gay shit, man! I never wore a scarf in London!"

WTF? When was this rule invented?

Native Minnow said...

Anonymous, that's ok too.

Boxer, it's never ok for a guy to use an umbrella either, whether he lives in Seattle or not.

Gypsy, is that a compliment? I hope so.

Anomalie, since always! Duh! You're brother's got it right.

Bill From Gainesville said...

Minnow, I used to live in Flagstaff Arizona when I was in college and having grown up in Florida my whole life I so enjoyed my little scarf collection. I had this red one that I just hung around with my jeans jacket, and it felt like it was meant for me. I realize now that I was completely Gay, but as far as my gay experiences go, that was it, wearing a scarf out in public in the high country of Az, --- so I have that going for me, never did i suck dick or anything like that when I was experimenting with being gay, only wearing a red scarf in public.

Mr. DNA said...

Scarfs are... oh never mind.

Do you think if I keep saying it, it will be funny again?
You know, like that one time? Oh the memories!

Native Minnow said...

Bill, I'm glad you never sucked a dick when you were experimenting. It'd probably be hard to get the taste out of your mouth. Oh, and your comment totally killed me.

Mr DNA, I do think it's funny still. But I'm juvenile like that.