Monday, May 26, 2008

I hate my generation, I offer no apologies

I was standing at the urinal, taking care of business, when another guy came in. He obeyed the unwritten rule of the men's room, and took the furthest urinal away from mine, but after standing there for a few seconds began to speak. "It's really raining here."

I thought to myself, "Great. Why is it that people feel the need to carry on cell phone conversations in a bathroom?"

A few seconds later he added, "The roads are really wet too. Everything's wet."

Slightly annoyed, I finished peeing and washed my hands.

I vaguely heard him say something else, but I wasn't paying enough attention to hear what it was. It wasn't until I turned to open and walk out the door that I realized he was talking to me.

I still didn't say anything. I just walked out.

If you don't know me, and see me peeing in a public restroom, go ahead and save the idle chit chat at the urinal for someone you know.


Karen said...

I must admit a public restroom seems to be the one place where women don't feel the need to chat, well not until they get to the sinks and mirrors and start primping and preening. Then it becomes a regular gabfest.

Simon said...

Eyes front, mouths shut, do your business then get out. The simple secret to happy bathroom breaks.

Bill From Gainesville said...

talking and peeing just should not be done. yet I must say that I have both initiated and also responded to inquiries while pissing on that soap bar looking thing. I am a sinner I know its wrong, but to my defense when I initiate conversation I have usually been drinking some

silentkid said...

You should have replied, "Yeah, my shoes are wet. I just peed on them."

steph said...

that's weird.

and creepy.

but at least you washed your hands!

Dee Ice Hole said...

My favorite comment for in there:
"If you are in a hurry stand behind the young ones!"

Native Minnow said...

Gypsy, at least men don't primp and preen at the mirrors. That'd be awkward.

Simon, my sentiments exactly.

Bill, if you're instigating conversations at the urinal while drunk, maybe it's time to stop drinking ;-)

Silentkid, or, "Your face is going to be wet when I pee on it if you don't leave me alone."

Steph, I always wash my hands. Unless I'm peeing behind a bush in the desert somewhere and there are no sinks to be found.

Dee Ice Hole, just be careful saying that. You don't want anyone thinking you're a Mo.

Anonymous said...

Remember when my roommate Glen took a look at you over the divider and said, "Hmmm...are you Howie's brother? Hmmm..."