Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Boy you look like someone I used to know

Here's an email exchange I had yesterday with one of my best friends from high school:

Him: What are you doing today? Wanna go drag main?

Me: I'd love to drag main, but not at these gas prices, and only if I can meet up with [our high school crushes].

Him: We can peddle ourselves around if you want, like real old school days.

Me: I call handlebars.

Him: How are you gonna get the handlebars when we are on a unicycle?


Lindsay Logic said...

That's funny! :)

Anonymous said...

I would be interested to know which high school crush you would want to meet up with. :)
I thought you married the one from Cow Country...

silentkid said...

Remember this one: How do you fit four gay men on a barstool?

Turn it upside down.

Hahahahahahahah, knee-slapper.

Jenny said...

The Man Doth Protest Too Much.