Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A vandal had written that Jesus knows just how you feel when you're falling asleep, asleep at the wheel

Even though this is Sin City, there are many people here who are religious fanatics, or at least profess to be.

I give you the following as an example:

To which I would counter, "Real men know how to spell the word 'their'."


PsychDoctor said...

Check out the white trash photo I placed on my blog... :)

Michele said...

My stepchildren used to live there until their mom moved them to Utah where the cost of living is cheaper and it's Mormon heaven. L.V. is FULL of Mormons. Lamb blvd and other streets are named after Mormons. Lucky you.

AnoMALIE said...

That guy needs to get pulled over... by the grammar police.
(I had never seen the addition of "and thier wives" to such a statement. I've only seen "Real men love Jesus," since my dad rocks a shirt like that... man)

Jenny said...

in that order? Jesus and THEN the wife? Nice.

and I hate that even with spell check, people can't figure this out.

steph said...

i feel like i haven't been online in a million years.

1. mr. m looks so sweet. of course his mom cried!

2. a gay guy checking you out is the highest for of flattery because not only are they genearlly very hot, but tend to have impeccable taste.

3. sadly, i have seen that on trucks around here. and it makes me want to throw up a little.

Manuel said...


Anonymous said...

Editor's note: It should say, "Real men love Jesus Christ in their wives."

Native Minnow said...

Psycho, that's pretty trashy, but at least it was just written in soap.

Jet Pass, you're right, there is actually a higher percentage of the population here than there is in Salt Lake City. How's that for a shocking statistic?

Anomalie, your dad wears a shirt like that? You're going to have to have a talk with him.

Boxer, I can't be a real man then, because I no longer have a wife.

Steph, it's ok if you haven't been around for a while, I know you still love me.

Manuel, I'll bet you don't see many trucks like that in Belfast.

Editor, that made me laugh, which in turn guarantees me a spot in Hell. I now blame you for my eternal damnation.

Unknown said...


h said...

Did you photo-shop the license plate out or is it missing?

Today's Troll Poll is sort of minnowish.

Native Minnow said...

Ryan, glad you liked it.

Troll, I photoshopped it out.

Lillie said...

I love Jesus's wives.

mindy said...

Spelling is for pansies.

(which must be why I'm such a nazi about it...)