Friday, October 10, 2008

Adam took the apple I was not involved, I'm not responsible for how lost we are

If you needed confirmation that my mind is, in fact, always in the gutter, I'll go ahead and confirm that now. Take this drawing for example. I draw and label it every semester when we get to the lab that deals with flowering plants. It illustrates the different tissue layers of a fruit.

But this is what I always think of when I'm drawing it. I just don't label it this way.

Maybe I just need an art class.

[Note: Some of my students feel the same way. It was their suggestion that I draw a better stem (the one pictured here) to avoid such comparisons.]


deputymomof6 said...

LOL, I thought the same thing. Of course, I am at work and just finished looking at some porn... so go figure...

girl with no name said...

Wow...I thought of something equally gutter-able but not what you thought. Course I'm too much a lady to say what I thought it looked like but I bet you can figure it out....

silentkid said...

Is that Dookie from The Wire?

PsychDoctor said...

Make a teeshirt...

Jenny said...

I wish you had been my biology professor.

Amber said...

i had the same thought as verity

Lillie said...

That looks way more like a vadge to me.