Thursday, October 23, 2008

I tell you what mathematically I'm having it, I want to live on science alone

Do you ever have those days where you wonder why you chose your profession? I had one of those yesterday as I was trying to make it through a paper describing a computer program that looks like it'll do something I've been trying to figure out for a while now.

Here's an exerpt:
The goal is, therefore, to determine for each i from 1 to n such λ(i, zi, ki), where zi = 1 or 2 and 0≤kiKmax, that the resulting solution has the maximum V. In order to do it, we estimate for each λ(i, zi, ki) the maximum V of all the solutions containing that configuration. For any ai in F consider strings F' =a1a2…ai and F" = aiai+1…an. For each λ(i, zi, ki) denote the maximum V of all the aligned solutions of F' that end with λ(i, zi, ki) as P(i, zi, ki). Denote the maximum V of all the aligned solutions of F" that begin with λ(i, zi, ki) as Q(i, zi, ki). Let for a particular λ(i, zi, ki) the sum of the corresponding P and Q be the maximum of all aligned configurations at i. In that case, the maximum V of all the solutions of F containing λ(i, zi, ki) equals the maximum V of any solutions of F.

And on it went, just like that, for another six pages. I didn't understand any of it. I showed it to my advisor and he said something like, "Well, with that many equations, it must be right."

Words to live by.


Anonymous said...

Easy Pie...Why don't you get it? :)

Karen said...

I wish brainiacs would speak in simple English so us mere mortals could learn to be brainiacs too.

Jenny said...

another reason I picked Political Science as a major.

savannah said...

i like the way he thinks, sugar! xoxo

i'm guessing it's too late to change fields, right?

Bill From Gainesville said...

That thing would be intimidating to just cut and paste from somewhere, much less actually understand what the hell its saying.

girl with no name said...

wow. my brain hurt just reading that.

Anonymous said...

Problems with this:
-You printed the paper
-You tried to read the paper
-You were able to find you supervisor
-You showed the paper to your supervisor?!?!

Based on the latter 2 issues, I fear that Armageddon may be upon us.

deputymomof6 said...

I am going to use that one... "with that many equations, it must be right." :)

h said...

the sum of the corresponding P and Q be the maximum of all aligned configurations at i.

They used "be" where a human would use "is".

2 Dollar Productions said...

I give all people with complex equations the benefit of the doubt, which is probably not the wisest thing in the world because all it will do is fuck up my taxes and screw up my betting schemes.

AnoMALIE said...

That paragraph made my heart skip a beat...
I miss school!!